Principal and National Leader of Transfer Pricing and Valuation Services
+1 (866) 298-7829 Ext. 702 |
For over 25 years, Guy has delivered transfer pricing, international valuation, and business process improvement services for global clients. Guy’s expertise includes transfer pricing design, exit charge/intangibles valuation, Advance Pricing Agreements (APAs), OECD and local country / U.S. transfer pricing documentation, post M&A transfer pricing and international valuation. As the leader of WTP Advisors’ Transfer Pricing and Valuation Services Practice, Guy has assembled a world-class team who deliver transfer pricing planning and design services, management and implementation, and controversy support to multinationals.
Guy began his transfer pricing career with Ernst & Young and was specifically recruited for his industrial engineering / MBA background. At EY, Guy served as a key member of the firm’s global tax effective supply chain team to develop tools and analytical approaches that enable companies to optimize transfer pricing within company global value chains. At WTP Advisors, Guy continues to apply his supply chain expertise combined with his years of valuation experience to develop transfer pricing models that help companies achieve their cash flow and tax planning objectives.
Recognizing an opportunity to organize and manage the transfer pricing function for companies and their global businesses, Guy drove the development of TransPortal, a global transfer pricing management platform. As a founder and CEO, Guy sets the strategic direction for TransPortal, oversees ongoing product development, and provides technical transfer pricing support.
Guy is an Adjunct Professor of Transfer Pricing at the University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management. He is an author of industry guidance in trade-recognized publications and has been a frequent speaker at industry seminars. For over eight consecutive years, Guy has been recognized as one of the “leading and most respected transfer pricing advisors in the world” by the International Tax Review. Prior to joining WTP Advisors, he spent over 12 years with the Big 4. This tenure included a three-year assignment as Ernst & Young’s Belgium national transfer pricing practice leader. Early in his career, Guy was an industrial engineer performing and leading dozens of business process improvement initiatives./p>
Principal, National Leader of Transfer
Pricing & International Valuation Services